

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Alexz Johnson in 16 Billboard Magazine Issues in 2000 and 2001?

Unbeknownst to many Alexz Johnson fans, and So Weird fan's for that matter; Singer, Song-writer, and Actress Alexz Johnson was featured in over sixteen different issues of Billboard magazine spanning the years 2000 and 2001.

Initially I found it very interesting because Alexz and her music seemed so off the map at that time. It turns out that Broadband Talent Net held a voting poll of the most listened to artists on their website, and the weekly winners were featured on the chart for "Top Ten Favorite Artist Picks". Also songs were ranked 1 through 10 by how many weeks they've been on the chart and how much they've been listened to by request; "Radio Play Favorite Song Requests".

Alexz proved at such an early time in her career that she has staying power.

Many So Weird fans are probably boggled to realize that the song "Dream About You" was being requested so much and was featured as a single and hit title in such a prestigious magazine. Other early Alexz Johnson songs that made the charts were "Sunshine Reigns" and "Wishing On A Star".

"Dream About You"- CHARTS

Aug 5, 2000 Vol. 112, No.32: Ranked #9 Most Requested Song
Sept 16, 2000 Vol. 112, No. 38: Ranked #5 Most Requested Song
Nov 11, 2000 Vol. 112, No. 46: Ranked #1 Most Requested Song
Dec 9, 2000 Vol. 112, No. 50: Ranked #5 Most Requested Song
Dec 23, 2000 Vol. 112, No. 52: Ranked #6 Most Requested Song
June 2, 2001 Vol. 113, No. 22: Ranked #6 Most Requested Song

"Sunshine Reigns"- CHARTS

July 22, 2000 Vol. 112, No. 30: Ranked #3 Most Requested Song

"Wishing On A Star"- CHARTS

Nov 11, 2000 Vol. 112, No. 46: Ranked #5 Most Requested Song

Click the link to see my sources and read the charts yourself.

Here are Alexz Johnson's rankings (1 BEING THE MOST, 10 THE LOWEST) over her span of being featured as a voted for artist in Billboard Magazine from 2000 to 2001.

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