
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cara Delizia Facebook Page Deleted & Alexz Johnson's Harassment

I don't know if it is because of creepy fans or what but Cara's Facebook page is deleted. As a whole we're starting to see episodes of random shows dissapearing off of Youtube due to copy-written infringement laws, and lots of people are changing there minds and leaving social media all together.

Especially being someone well known or famous, one can only imagine how difficult it would be to keep ones privacy. I hope she simply decided to delete it. 
What with Alexz Johnson recently being hacked, and then someone tried to blackmail her! Check out this interview for more on Alexz Johnson's harrassment by DISTURBED FANS. She's taking legal action. 
This entire interview is very informative and awesome but start it at around 14:00 min to hear Alexz's response about these fans.

I'm a fan who has taken some critizism for allegations of my personal weirdness, mainly attributed to things I've done (like tattooing Alexz's Autograph on my shoulder <-concious decision 3 years ago and it represents 11 years of music by an amazing artist!) or things I've said-> HERE 

I'm the type of person who doesn't hide from what I've done or said. I stand by it. But I could never and would never hurt someone like that, especially someone that I claim to admire. I hope that we as people, respectful of one another can help to stamp out this sort of behavior. It's bullying, and it's criminal. Cut it out!

SoWeirdBoy a Gay Fan who doesn't matter

1 comment:

  1. I think fans in general should be careful how they view their idols and the people who create the things that they love. I mean, no wonder most people fall off the radar if they've been on a show or movie and they're popular!

    (Also, side note, I literally JUST found your site and I'm so glad you're writing posts again- we SW fans are so few and far between! I'll be here a LOT to catch up and in the future! :) )
