

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Patrick Levis is "Least of These"

I have to say. Patrick, throughout So Weird and these ten years gone by, had to grow on me. I don't know if the innocence of his demeanor, playing Donny Osmond, or if it was his antagonist views as "Jack Phillips" on So Weird, that were what made me cold to him initially. As much as I love the show, and as much I care for him and his health, career, and life, I am forcing myself to surround myself with Patrick Levis to be inspired to write this. I have been listening to his beautiful Christian songs, watching various clips and commercials via YouTube, and even with this taste of laziness I feel, I can't fail to mention that it was a two year old and Patrick Levis on Nick Jr.'s "The Fresh Beat Band" that inspired this entire So Weird inspired fan PAGE! It helped me to remember what it felt like to watch So Weird. To see the characters. To hear them. To crave to listen to that great music. The music that touches deep inside of you if you let it. And listening to Patrick's band "Least of These", I came to a realization that he has the same power over me as Alexz Johnson or Mackenzie Phillips. He's an amazing actor with quite a large filmography. He's intelligent, dedicated, and very beautiful.

Listen to his great band, "Least of These" on their Myspace HERE
Or visit the "Least of These" Official Website. 
Buy their first album "Only Begun". It is really amazing and beautiful if you're into Christian stuff. They don't have a music video that I could find, otherwise, I would have posted it!

 Least of These are Patrick Levis, his younger sister Caitie Levis, brother Joe Levis, Rick Horio, and Keith Smith. 
Here's the band's bio from their site: "Least of These is a progressive folk pop band based out of Southern California. They are a group of Christians with a desire to use the talents God has given them to play good, quality music. The band members came together to perform for fun at a local college campus in the early part of 2004, and since then have been consistently playing coffee houses, churches, schools, and other venues in the Los Angeles area. Beautiful piano and keyboard melodies, groovin' drum beats, rhythmic bass and acoustic guitar progressions, and tight vocal harmonies meet fun, thought-provoking lyrics to make for a wonderfully entertaining blend of music."

Patrick Levis got his start in commercials. Here's a Captain Crunch commercials from like '96 or '97. It would be a crime for any So Weird lover to have never seen this, so here ya go. It's very entertaining.

Jack Phillips

Not many people know this, but in the show So Weird, Jack Phillips  was actually suppose to be a reincarnated knight.
The episode "The Rock" was supposed to be a major hint toward this in the original third season, if Annie had never been introduced...

Here's Mackenzie Phillips as "Molly Phillips" singing her song The Rock with many scenes of the Phillips family hall. These scenes were intended to be spoilers for the third season that greatly involved Jack, Fi, and Rick's characters.
These facts have been confirmed via one of the shows Exec Producers, and who is also a friend of mine, Jon Cooksey.
You can read all about it HERE.
I can't believe this site has survived this long. All of the fanfiction for the original season is so good. I have it all printed and bound like a book. Thank you Staples.

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